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Institute of Physics PAS, Poland


Corentin BOILLEAU has his expertise in electronic structures and magnetic properties. He built his professional experience by first realizing his thesis in Toulouse under the supervision of Nathalie GUIHERY and Nicolas SUAUD, studying molecular magnetism through ab initio calculations. After his PhD, He joined for 2 years Vincenzo BARONE's laboratory in Pisa to participate to the development of BALOO, a post hartree fock method. Then, Corentin BOILLEAU joined Karine COSTUAS in Rennes for one in order to study ruthenium based compounds using DFT methods and model Hamiltonians. Today, he works at the Institute of Physics in Warsaw where he obtained a grant for 3 years to carry out a study on multifunctional compounds allowing a modulation of their magnetic properties.


Abstract : Theoretical study of magnetic properties in redox-active ruthenium complexes