Robert F. Tournier
CNRS, Institut Néel, France
Robert F. Tournier is born in 1934 and is named Emeritus Research Director at CNRS Grenoble in 2000. His group showed the appearance of magnetic moments in clusters of transition atoms and the existence of scaling laws for diluted spin glasses. The magnetic susceptibility of isolated impurities submitted to Kondo effect was separated from that of magnetic clusters. The disappearance of Kondo effect by antiparallel coupling of nuclear and electronic spins ½, the local spin fluctuations and electronic moments induced by nuclear moments in Praseodymium Van Vleck compounds were also discovered. The coexistence between superconductivity and ferromagnetism was studied or discovered in few compounds. Magnetic texturing of permanent magnets and high Tc superconductors by solidification in a high magnetic field and water levitation were obtained. He was rewarded by distinctions: Prix Ancel 1970 (French Society of Physics); Grand Prix Jaffe 1985 (Sciences Academy.); Lifetime achievements 2012 (Magneto-science Society of Japan).
Abstract : Homogeneous nucleation of solid, liquid and glass phases close to revolution