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Slavica Stankic

Slavica Stankic



Slavica Stankic has her expertise in synthesis and surface characterization of pure and multi metal oxide nanoparticles. After some years of experience in well-known international institutions for nanomaterials research (TU Vienna, Austria; INSP-CNRS, Paris, France) she has established new pathways for determining reactivity of surface sites or improving surface doping. Beside fundamental studies – that involved photo-induced processes on oxide surfaces with a strong focus on the effects of particles size, shape and/or surface termination – she furthermore developed an interdisciplinary-based research project. Herein, metal oxide nanoparticles are used as model systems for studying their interaction with living organisms with a goal to assess their potential for medical applications as an alternative to existing antibiotics.


Abstract : Reactive surface sites at metal oxide nanoparticles: from fundamental studies to potential medical application