Werner Lottermoser
Salzburg University, Austria
Werner Lottermoser, solid state physicist, has completed his thesis work about neutron diffraction and magnetism of special silicates at CNRS, CENG and ILL Grenoble, France, and University of Frankfurt, Germany. He obtained university lecturing qualfication and professorship due to a study on Single Crystal Mössbauer Spectroscopy at Salzburg University, Austria, and was working in different scientific projects granted by the Austrian Fund of Scientic Research (FWF). Together with his working group he developed a software to combine the results of SCMBS, X-ray/synchrotron and neutron diffractometry to the common benefit of nanoscience. This rather new method is called "Difference Electron Nanoscopy (DEN) and allows to get uncompared quasi-3D views of the electronic distribution within the crystal unit cell and is described in a book (s. above), which has recently appeared. Consequently he is now working on sub-nanometric imaging, nanomaterials and materials for industrial applications.