Germain Vallverdu
University of Pau & Pays Adour, France
Germain Vallverdu is associated professor in the university of Pau & Pays Adour, France at the IPREM institute (Institute of analytical sciences and physicochemistry for environment and materials), CNRS / UPPA UMR 5254. He is a specialist in theoretical chemistry and numerical simulations. His research activities concern the development of new methods and computational strategies at different time or space scales (from quantum to classical approaches), applied to the investigations of complex systems. The computational approaches are lead in close interaction with experimentalists and take advantage of the high level instrumental platform of the institute. Examples of these systems and applications are the investigation of the chemical reactivity and the electronic properties at the surfaces and interfaces of materials used in lithium-ion cells.
Abstract : Surface reactivity of layered manganese oxides: an experimental and theoretical approach