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10th International Conference on Physical and Theoretical Chemistry

London, UK

Osman Adiguzel

Firat University, Turkey


Osman Adiguzel graduated from Department of Physics, Ankara University, Turkey in 1974 and received PhD- degree from Dicle University, Diyarbakir-Turkey. He has studied at Surrey University, Guildford, UK, as a post-doctoral research scientist in 1986-1987, and studied on shape memory alloys. He worked as research assistant, 1975-80, at Dicle University and shifted to Firat University, Elazig, Turkey in 1980. He became a professor in 1996, and he has been retired on November 28, 2019, due to the age limit of 67, following academic life of 45 years. He published over 80 papers in international and national journals; He joined over 120 conferences and symposia in international and national level as participant, invited speaker or keynote speaker with contributions of oral or poster. He served the program chair or conference chair/co-chair in some of these activities. In particular, he joined in last six years (2014 - 2019) over 60 conferences as Keynote Speaker and Conference Co-Chair organized by different companies. Also, he joined over 120 online conferences in the same way in pandemic period of 2020-2022. He supervised 5 PhD- theses and 3 M. Sc- theses. 


Abstract : Shape memory phenomena and crystallographic basis of reversibility in shape memory alloys